Welcome and thank you for visiting Huron Water Supply, where no job is too big or too small. Why work with Huron Water Supply? Our team takes samples throughout the year to ensure safe, clean and fresh water. Our Food Grade Stainless Steel tank is inspected by Lambton Public Health on an annual basis. Each and every job is focused on excellent customer service and satisfaction is guaranteed!
As summer approaches, you’ll need your pool filled with cool, clear water. You could use your garden hose and wait for days as it slowly fills but we recommend calling Huron Water Supply. We’ll be out with our 3500-gallon water truck and before you know it, you’ll be relaxing in the water!
Big or small, we can service all of your watering needs! From Landscaping to Dust Control, Ships to Wells, we can get your water replenished. Clean, fresh water is only a phone call away. We value all customers, one time visitors and long-term clients.
No matter where your construction site is, you have to have a reliable supply of uncontaminated, potable water. Huron Water Supply is waiting for your call. Choose between 1500 Gallon, 1700 Gallon, 2000 Gallon and 3000 Gallon portal tanks. A near-limitless supply of clean water is waiting for you.